Thursday, June 3, 2010

Let's try this again.

I tried doing 30 min cardio in the morning instead of the evening yesterday, and did feel energized for the day.

I also tried taking some Smartburn tablets, and just taking veggies and a hummus whole grain wrap from home. It worked - I didn't feel hungry, and felt a surprising amount of energy. I'm not a pill-popper, but whatever helps. I checked the reviews of it online and talked to the pharmacist, and there don't seem to be any reports of major side effects. It did produce a bloated feeling - but that's part of what killed my appetite. The key seems to be that I really need to take it 30 min before meals, and do it for all meals. I skipped one today, and got hungry again.

My assistant is off sick, so that's definitely slowing down things at work. I was just getting used to having someone deal with all of the administrative stuff, and now I'm back to doing it this week.

In terms of diet, I'm getting into the routine of making fruit smoothies every morning. I tried it with milk instead of juice one day - yuck. I'll stick to the fruit in fruit juice mixture.

Finally, I've put in a request - again - to close my Babycenter account. It was just sucking up too much time.

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