Monday, August 8, 2011

Getting equipped for lunch

I just read this:

As part of back-to-school shopping, I'll be looking to buy some extra-large lunch bags, decent Thermoses, and ice packs to keep the cold stuff cold and hot stuff hot.

I'll also try, once again, to come up with ideas for fussy eaters and school rules that require all lunches to be peanut/nut-free, kosher, vegetarian, healthy and zero-waste, plus accommodating any other class-specific allergies like egg, fish, soy or sesame. Any ideas? I also need to think of lunches that the kids can make themselves (we already have them helping with the snacks), and that I can do the night before or very easily in the morning, because taking the time to do things like making hot grilled cheese sandwiches last year was killing my mornings.

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