Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Joined nutrition group at gym

My initial weigh-in was 148 lbs - 2 lb for clothes = 146 lbs. If the electronic body composition scale is accurate, 36.5% of that is fat, which is classified as obese. It's a bit of a shock to see that, because I don't look obese, but I carry it in hidden spots and don't have the muscle mass to offset the numbers.

For the past couple of days, I've been good about making meals and following the meal plan.

I also got a bit more focused at work. Sept. was a disaster, with all of the holidays and my law clerk disappearing. Now, I'm actually at the office, and I got a new student to assist. That's keeping me more focused. So far, I'm making an effort to docket everything, and I managed to clean out the bottomless piles of files. My goal is to deal with everything up front, so that I'm more efficient and I don't have the stress that builds when I know that things are waiting.

That said, I'm no longer sure that my menu plan is so wonderful. The nutritionist said that the yogurt and nuts shouldn't be counted as protein, but considered carbs and fats, and she thought that my beloved morning smoothie was spiking my blood sugars. On the other hand - I finally figured out how to make quinoa that is properly cooked, and it worked well with curry.

Speaking of curry - my mock saag paneer was great last night, but it put me right to sleep! I crashed for the night just after 9 p.m. So, no work done, but I woke up refreshed, without an alarm clock, at 6 a.m., exercised, bathed a kid, and got all the lunches (including the adults) done in record time. I'll try to keep to earlier bedtimes (but not that early), but also want to avoid in general foods that will wipe me out. I keep trying to remember to drink water all day and keep eating small amounts to balance the blood sugars.

I need to build in workouts 4x/week. There is no way that I can do it otherwise. Maybe long walk Sat., workout Sunday, workout Tues. morning, workout Thursday - that sounds doable.

My goal - now in writing and made public at the gym as well as here - is to be down to 131 lbs by the middle of December. I'm motivating myself by thinking about that goal - how my picture is going to be displayed at the gym, and how I'll look and feel on vacation in January. It would also be a great start to my eventual goal of 123 lbs by Oct. 2011.

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